News & Events

Indian scientists want more funding for organic farming research
24/6/14 5:11 PM | 9gardens.comIndian agricultural scientists have called for increased funding for organic farming research and for policy interventions to promote it as a farming alternative.
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25% fall likely in mango yield this year
24/6/14 5:06 PM | 9gardens.comPATNA: The king of fruits has arrived in the city this season with its king-size price tag. Buffeted by either unseasonal or deficient rain in the fruit-growing regions, mangoes are beyond the reach of aam aadmi.
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Loss to fruit crop estimated at Rs 90cr
20/6/14 3:38 PM | 9gardens.comSHIMLA: Untimely rainfall, late snow, hail storm and persistent bad weather has caused losses of around Rs 90 crore to fruit growers in the state.
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Farmers pin hopes on new govt
20/6/14 3:35 PM | 9gardens.comVISAKHAPATNAM: With the new government promising major changes for the better in the agro-sector, agriculturists, horticulturists and consumers alike are hoping for a much better deal and a wider basket of offerings to choose from.
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J&K to introduce 'HORTNET' portal to modernise horticulture
14/6/14 5:14 PM | 9gardens.comThe Jammu and Kashmir government plans to introduce 'HORTNET' portal to bring modernisation in the horticulture sector and facilitate the farmers and growers for meeting their day-to-day needs.
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Rain revives litchi crop in Bihar, raises hopes of farmers
14/6/14 5:03 PM | 9gardens.comWidespread rain in the past few days in Bihar has saved the litchi crop from withering, reviving hopes of a normal supply of the succulent fruit to the rest of the country.
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Rs 170cr boost for horticulture sector in Maharashtra
9/6/14 4:50 PM | 9gardens.comKOLHAPUR: The integrated horticultural development mission has sanctioned Rs 170 crore for the state government.
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Horticulture department to plant fruit-bearing trees
9/6/14 4:36 PM | 9gardens.comBHUBANESWAR: The horticulture department will plant fruit-bearing plants on 20,000 ha under MGNREGS in 2014-15, generating 2.02 crore mandays, official sources said.
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Poll dampner on annual mela
23/5/14 4:07 PM | 9gardens.comHYDERABAD: The state horticulture department has decided not to organize annual mango mela owing to the ongoing bifurcation work and elections.
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Vendors prefer chemicals for quicker ripening
23/5/14 4:04 PM | 9gardens.comMYSORE: The ban on use of chemicals to ripen fruits has evoked mixed response from the vendors at the city market.
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